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9 Mayıs 2010 Pazar

Tweet Chat Room

Sign in to

Signup with Twitter if you don't have an account.

login securely authenticates you with Twitter. Once authenticated, you will be returned directly to TweetChat.

If you ever want to sign in as a different user, sign out at
Twitter and return to TweetChat.

Choose hashtag to follow.

Hashtags identify specific topics and those hashtags allow
TweetChat to connect you with people talking about similar things.

TweetChat helps put your blinders on to the Twitter-sphere while you monitor and chat about one topic.

Choosing a hashtag directs you to a
TweetChat Room.

Converse in real-time.

Each tweet automatically gets the hashtag added and the room auto-updates.

You can use the "User Control" area to feature people you like or to block spammers.

"Smart pausing" has been added so when you scroll down the page, it will not refresh, helping you avoid replying to the wrong person.

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